Many of us have sat at home searching the Internet for quick ways to earn some extra money. Often, we find websites or advertisements promoting financial products, such as shares, bonds, or CFDs. The latter is an extremely complicated financial product that...
IF YOU HAVE USED AN ENERGY BROKER IN THE PAST TO ARRANGE YOUR GAS AND/OR ELECTRICITY THEN STATISTICS SHOW THAT 60% OF THOSE DEALS HAD A HIDDEN COMMISSION. As a client of Smooth Commercial Law, we thought you may be interested in an update on the work we...
Aidan Henderson, Andrew Page and Thomas Ward have all been fined by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) earlier this year for negligent pension transfer advice. Henderson worked at Henderson Carter Associates Ltd and Page and Ward both worked at Financial...
The FCA has fined Pembrokeshire Mortgage Centre Limited which trades as County Financial Consultants, £2.4m for negligent pension transfer advice given to British Steel pension Scheme (BSPS) members. The firm had advised over 400 consumers on whether...